
So Short indeed
Is this thing they call life
A swift journey
Toward the end  
Of one man's life

Man always seek it's meaning
 A mystery for mankind
And ponder on questions
Incomprehensible to the mind

What life should be?
For a man of no significance
With no legacy to leave
When death comes at last

Are we just destined
To keep crawling in the dark?
Looking for a meaning 
For an existence Doomed to not last

What meaning should we choose?
What life is meant to be?
To know it goes beyond ourselves
It's too much of a question for me

Perhaps man focus excessively
On the wrong questions
Mistakenly looking
At the wrong directions

Maybe the meaning of life
Lies in front of us
And the way our  life should go
Is always for us to decide

Maybe answers
Are not the things we are looking for
Maybe we just want to find something
That soothes the longing of our soul.

Life is a question itself
So mysterious for a man to delve
Too uncertain and unpredictable
But that what makes it beautiful

Zeus Gongob


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