
A woman was raped in a nearby village
They said she was strangled to death
Before getting laid
I rushed to go into the scene
And I stumbled upon a horrible sight
There, in the lush of tall grasses near the basin
Lies the woman
Breathless and her clothes were gone

The mark on her neck is deep and swelling
She indeed really met a painful end
Her face painted the struggle of her horrible death
Her mouth was open  and  her eyes were half close
Staring directly at the houses near the main road
She must have tried to seek for help as she gasps for air
But to no avail
For the houses where hundreds of meters away

The place is cold and so was the corpse
The life that dwelt within the body is gone
Her soul is now with the Good Lord
Now she is safe from the perils of this world
For her finite time is done
I watched as the officers covered her body
The people's eyes were fixed in the concealed corpse
As the officers carry the body towards the road

I know the woman, I met her many times
This explains why I have a heavy feeling inside
I returned to my place and people there started to ask
"Have you seen the woman?, How did she die?"
I sat in my chair and rest my arms in the table
Desperately trying to soothe this heavy trouble
Too heavy for my soul to bear

My neighbor's then started to talk
About how many women end on the same fate
And what are the reasons for such
"That's what they get for wearing pekpek shorts"
"Girls nowadays wears vulgar clothes"
"When they are raped it's their fault"
"They should have think twice before wearing such clothes"
"That's what they get when they act like a prostitute"

I broke my silence and looked them in the eye
"She doesn't deserve the way she died"
"And No she doesn't wear any vulgar wear!"
"For her body is covered and she wears a veil!"
"She's a virtous woman"
"She isn't a prostitute because she's a nun"
What followed next was silence, a deafening silence
To speak another word no one dared.......

I will forever be grateful to you for your help Myra Allauigan my beautiful classmate, Rodmer Calautit my first ever fan and to Lord ^ELF^San and Lord ^ELD^CC of the ELF Alliance, The Great Duke's of Jianxi in Be The King S94 server.❤️❤️❤️

Some people deserve more than just a thank you. Just like you guys! Thanks for everything.

Thanking you from the core of my heart. I truly appreciate your help and unending support ❤️❤️❤️


  1. Haaaah comrade I guess poetry isn't your thing, the choice of words is poor my friend, you should revise this😂😂😂

  2. Great poem comrade


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