"Revolutions are the locomotives of history," said by Marx [In "The Class Struggles in France"]. Revolutions are the festivals of the oppressed and the exploited. At no other time are the masses of the people in a position to come forward so actively as creators of a new social order as at a time of revolution". (The Two tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution, 1905, ch.13)
Exactly 103 years ago in the vast and wide country of Russia the flames of revolution sparked leading into the emergence of a new world, a new social order. This historic revolution is the most momentous event in the history of mankind that ushered in a new epoch in world history, for this revolution had change the world in a way no other had than before and none other had done since. The resonate sound of the Great Russian and October Socialist Revolution introduce socialist reforms and paved a way for the liberation of oppressed and colonized nations. It was not just a purely nationalistic revolution dedicated for and to the russian people, but a revolution of international importance that inspired nations around the world to free themselves from the shackles of imperialism. An event marked in the calendar of international workers' movement and progressive humanity at large. The most significant of all of humanity's revolution, signifying as it did a turn in the world history—a turn from the old and capitalistic world of injustice and exploitation to a new world with socialist elements that even us— who are in the present enjoys today.
The Birth of the Revolution
Just like every other revolutions, the Great Socialist October Revolution is also a product of turbulent and uncertain times due to political and social unrest, organized by the victims of this consequences and fought by the masses versus the ruling elites. To understand the beginning of this revolution it is required to study the place, time and consequences that led to this uprising.
In 1894 the newly seated Tsar Nicholas II controlled much of the Russian Empire that stretched from the Baltic to the Pacific region. Back in those olden days, Russia, like much of the world is a country which workers and peasants lived in horrid conditions due to prolonged hardships and poverty, while the ruling elites—it's imperial family and the members of aristocracy lives a life in immense luxury. Before the Great October Revolution was initiated, there were already several struggles and uprising done by the early Russian working class to fight the injustices of the system.
One of which is the First Russian Revolution that successfully forced the Tsar to initiate a constitutional reform which includes the establishment of a "State Duma" or national assembly and a multiparty system which he openly hated before. This revolution was spurred by their defeat in the Russo Japanese war and was believed to had the stage set for the October Revolution. But even with all this reform the power was seen to be limited and mass unrest continued to plunge the Russian Empire.
In 1914 this politically and ideologically divided empire faced a new crisis, the First World War broke out in Europe and Russia is at the frontlines. This war proved to be a disaster for Imperial Russia as they suffered a series of catastrophic defeats in the battlefield, and at home, were food shortages and a grave economic chaos. The russian citizens has no one to blame but the Tsar for he is the Commander in Chief and He always stands in the way of government reform. The anarchist in the capital who protested against the Tsar had paralyzed the government and chaotic shooting ensued. This continued for a couple of years and as the World War progresses it exposed the weakness of the Tsarist government that further angered the citizens of Russia.
Fall of the Tsar
On February 1917, thousands of women took to the streets of the Russian capital which is Petograd (Now St. Petersburg) to protest over food shortages, it was later called the February Revolution. They were also joined by the workers and the students at the next day, carrying placards that reads "Down with the Tsar!", they marched in the streets of the capital demanding reforms in the government. All the enforcers sent by the Tsarist government to silence the protest mutinied and joined the protestors instead. Chaos ensued as people started burning and smashing tsarist emblems and insignias. The Tsarist Ministers advised Nicolas to step down in order to save Russia from a horrific military defeat and to restore order, so on the 2nd of March he agreed to abdicate. In just 10 days, the 300 years of romanov rule had come to an end, a provisional government was established in which the power was shared by two parties, The Provisional Government and the Petograd council (Petograd Soviet).
After the abdication of Tsar Nicolas II, the Russians Provisional Government immediately took power led by Georgy Lvov and later on by Alexander Kerensky. The original intention of this Provisional Government was to organize elections for a Russian Constituent Assembly in order to give Russia a new constitution. This provisional government shared power with the Petograd Soviet, a council elected by workers and soldiers who controlled the capitals troops, transports and communications.
The Petograd Soviets are dominated by the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Marxist Mensheviks party, they are more radical than the Provisional Government, encouraging street demonstrations and issuing revolutionary proclamations. The existence of two powers created a dual power called "dvoevlastie", in which the provisional government and Petograd Soviets competed for power and legitimacy until the October Revolution.
Petograd Soviets
Russian Provisional Government
Though they are both contending powers, they agreed to continue Russia's participation in the war to honor the commitment that imperial russia made to the allies. A thing that worsened anti-war sentiments from the majority and it was considered a fateful decision that favored one of the smallest party.........The BOLSHEVIKS.
The Rise of the Bolsheviks
A revolutionary genius arrived on April 3 (Old Calendar [April 16]) 1917. His name was Vladimir Lenin ,he was the leader of the Bolsheviks, he arrived at Petograd from Switzerland after 16 years of exile accompanied by a group of Russian emigres and other member of the Mensheviks. He bitterly opposed the participation of Russia in the First World War calling it as an "imperialistic war". In the Soviets (council), his Bolsheviks we're at first a small minority in the wide and many independent groups of Soviet councils, but once Lenin began to assert himself, the Bolsheviks grew as a significant force.
Vladimir Lenin
He demanded the immediate redistribution of land from rich landlords to peasants and the transfer of power from the "Bourgeoisie Provisional Government" to the People's Soviets that were emerging across Russia. His programme was summed up in a simple slogan "Bread! Peace! and Land!". Lenin argued that if the Provisional Government declared that these things couldn't be done immediately then it will be considered as a proof that the Provisional Government intended to prevent this things from ever being done. The "June offensive" and last days of July proved to be a hard time for the Bolsheviks as they were hunted down one by one by the provisional government.
Leon Trotsky
Leon Trotsky a renowned Bolshevik figure was arrested, while Vladimir Lenin fled to Finland with the help of Joseph Stalin. This systematic purge aimed against the Bolsheviks we're carried on by General Lavr Kornilov. In August 28 (also known as Kornilovs Affair) the general sent his men to Petograd with the aim to "restore order".
Joseph Stalin
General Lavr Kornilov
The Bolsheviks along with the other soviets defended Petograd, Leon Trotsky who just got out from prison sent an armed Bolshevik Militia called the Red Guards to defend key points in the city. Railway workers deliberately sabotaged Kornilov's troops in order to prevent them from moving by rail. This strengthened the influence and power of the Bolsheviks, and by the end of September they gained majority in the Petograd council and in October Lenin decided that the time has finally come.....
The Great October Revolution
In October of 1917 Lenin secretly returned from Finland to Petograd, there he began preparing to seize power and on the 25th of October the Bolsheviks made their move. The Red Guards seized key positions in the capital and that night they stormed the Winter Palace. At the 2nd All Russian Congress of Soviets, Lenin announced the overthrow of the Provisional Government and declared the establishment of the Bolshevik rule.
A brutal civil war followed, Lenin and the Bolsheviks wage a campaign against the counter revolutionaries, better known as the White Army who had foreign support from British and French Imperialist. Some of the Whites hope to put the Tsar back on the Imperial Throne. This civil war led to the death of 10 million russians both in the Soviet bolshevik sides and the White army sides—amongst these casualty is Tsar Nicolas and his family who was executed by Bolsheviks soldiers in Yekaterinburg on July 1918.
Tsar Nicolas II and his family
By the end of 1922 the Bolsheviks emerged victorious and under Lenin's determined and uncompromising leadership, set about building the world's first-ever socialist order. From the wreckage of this bloody civil war emerge the Soviet Union formed in 1922 who then became one of 20th centuries two undisputed world super powers.
The Legacy of the Great Revolution
Though the main aim of the Bolshevik Revolution is to abolish capitalism and imperialism was tremendously resisted by the imperialists, it still continued to shape the world we live in and its spectre continues to haunt the bourgeoisie scattered around the globe. The October Revolution became the beacon of hope—a rallying centre for all the world revolutionary movements against imperialism. It has acted as a catalyst for the development of the proletariat revolution movement throughout the world.
The fall of the Tsarist Russia inspired other monarchy-led countries that were under the control of imperialist nations to revolt and grab their right for self determination. Having overthrown the capitalists and the landlords, this revolution went on to instill the principles of socialist values and break the chains of national and colonial oppression and proceeded to liberate other oppressed nations. The establishment of the USSR was the first time in history where a formerly oppresing nation voluntarily gave up dominant position and embraced its former colonies as equal partners and comrades under the banner of equality.
The Bolsheviks in the Great October Revolution proclaimed the liberation of people not trough paper and pen or useless reforms but by practice. "To the old world, the world of national oppression, national bickering and national isolation the workers counterpose a new world, a world where there is no place for any privileges or for the slightest degree of oppression of man by man". (The Working Class and The National Question, PRAVDA No. 106, May 10, 1913cw Vol.19 pg. 92.)
The Soviet Union born out of the October Revolution illuminated the path of the laboring masses. It proved that the bourgeoisie legends of indestructibility is false and that this virus that plagues the earth can end if the majority will decide to destroy it. Before the October Revolution the idea of the world being divided into inferior and superior races was acceptable, where the former is considered incapable of acquiring higher culture thus being the object of exploitation, while the latter, believes that he's a bearer of civilization and proceeds to exploit the former.
The October Revolution shattered to smithereens the practices of the old world. After it, women and men became equal in rights and opportunities, child labor was abolished, food is considered a human rights and education was prioritized and exercise in a massive scale for free. The world saw the importance of socialist policies and started adopting socialist elements to merge in their own. Worker unions were legitimized and their rights we're handled with care. Oppressed people learn to stand up against exploitation and many became more aware of the increasing inequality and unequal wage distribution.
103 years ago people work 14 hours a day, 6 days a week. Children's as early as 7 years old were forced to work in horrid conditions on some of the most dangerous industries. Women is discriminated and has no right to vote, minorities are hunted down and segregated, homosexuality where once considered a criminal offense. But the October revolution took place and inspired a wave of revolution that swept across the globe changing the world forever indirectly affecting the lives of million shifting the world and forcing even right-wing parties closer to the left. It destroyed the old world and paved way for the emergence of a new one. A new world with fair labor laws, extensive safety social nets, free and affordable healthcare, free education, affordable homes and decent living standards.
Zeus R. Gongob
Thanks for info
ReplyDeleteNot necessarily for the better in my own opinion.
ReplyDeleteFantastic 😊😊😊
ReplyDeleteLong live the Great October Socialist Revolution!