Under the veil

I'm covered in fine cloth
From my head to my toes
My eyes are the only thing exposed
So I can at least see the world

I wear this veil
But that doesn't mean I'm oppressed
This long silk I wear with pride
Because I believe it's for the best

I can hide my wounds in it
Conceal the bruises on my face
No one can see my wound bleed
Or the slap mark on my cheek

The veil covers my agony
No one can see my injury  
My busted lip is properly concealed
Except for my broken wrists

But I guess no one would still notice
That me, a woman in a long burqa
Receives painful blows
From my husband's fist

Under the veil is me
A woman battered and hurt
By the man I thought who will treasure me
Till the end of the world

I hope someone can see the pain
Through my plain gray eyes
For he's not the man he used to be
He no longer is.......

Under this veil
I hide my tears
I hide my pain
I hide my vain

I will forever be grateful to you for your help Myra Allauigan my beautiful classmate, Rodmer Calautit my first ever fan and to Lord ^ELF^San and Lord ^ELD^CC of the ELF Alliance, The Great Duke's of Jianxi in Be The King S94 server.❤️❤️❤️

Some people deserve more than just a thank you. Just like you guys! Thanks for everything.

Thanking you from the core of my heart. I truly appreciate your help and unending support ❤️❤️❤️


  1. Great Poem comrade, but I believe your rushed it, you could have written more to expand the thought, besides the topic is really good. I hope you'll write another poem about this

    1. Thank for your amazing insight my friend, I'll try to create one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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